
District of Innovation Plan

Montgomery ISD became a District of Innovation in 2017, a designation that allows school districts in Texas to have greater flexibility and ability to make local decisions.  The opportunity for this designation was approved in legislation passed by the Texas Legislature in 2015, TEC Chapter 12A.  MISD began the process to develop a District of Innovation Plan in 2016 and formally adopted a 5-year plan in February 2017.  To remain a DOI district, the District of Innovation Plan must be reviewed and updated every five years.  The District Advisory Committee reviewed and revised the District of Innovation plan as indicated below.  These revisions were presented and approved by the Board of Trustees.  

District of Innovation Plan

Term: February 15, 2022-February 15, 2027

Plan applies to Entire District

Timeline of Events:

February 2017 – Original District of Innovation adopted through February 2022

October 2021 – District Advisory Committee reviewed current plan and considered possible revisions

October-November 2021 – Opportunity for feedback from the DAC on proposed revisions

December 2021 – DAC is presented with a draft of the District of Innovation Plan for 2022-2027.

December 15, 2021 – DAC votes to present the revised DOI Plan to the Board of Trustees.  The proposed District of Innovation Plan was posted on the district website.

January 18, 2022 – Board of Trustees was presented with the draft of the District of Innovation Plan and voted to notify the commissioner of education of the board’s intention to vote on adoption of the proposed plan.

February 15, 2022 – The Board of Trustees voted to adopt the local innovation plan. 

May 2024 - DAC is presented with proposed amendments to the current DOI Plan and votes to present the amendments to the Board of Trustees for approval.

June 4, 2024 - The Board of Trustees was presented with the proposed amendments to the DOI and voted with a majority vote to adopt the amendments.  


Comprehensive Educational Programs to Be Innovated

Uniform School Start Date
(EB LEGAL) (ED CODE 25.0811)


Students may not begin school before the 4th Monday in August.


The flexibility of start date allows the district to determine locally, on an annual basis, what best meets the needs of the students and local community.

Class Size Ratio
(EEB LEGAL) (ED CODE 25.111, 25.112, 25.113)


Prekindergarten-4th Grade classes are to be kept at a 22 student to 1 teacher ratio according to state law.


As a fast growth district, we have applied for a class size waiver almost yearly for the last decade. Sometimes, especially when it is only one student, it is more difficult on the students to break up the class and add an additional teacher. Our practice has been to start the year at or below 22 to 1.  As we add students and we go over 22 to 1, we rely on the principal and teachers to tell us when the best time to add the new teacher would be for the good of the educational environment. Sometimes, we wait until semester to make the switch.

90% attendance rule
(FEC LEGAL) (ED CODE 25.092)


State law requires students to attend class 90 percent of the school days in order to earn credit. The law currently requires the District to award credit to students based on "seat time" rather than based on content mastery.


Exemption from the 90% rule allows the school district to offer online courses for high school students while not having to penalize students based on arbitrary seat time as opposed to mastery of the curriculum. The proposal will allow counselors and administrators to refocus efforts on students who are truly at risk with promoting innovation in how instruction is delivered.

Teacher Certification


In the event the district cannot locate a certified teacher for a position or if a teacher is teaching a subject outside of their certification, the district must request to the Texas Education  Agency. TEA then approves or denies the request.


Montgomery ISD is committed to providing a certified, highly qualified teacher for each of our students. The District will make every effort attempt to hire individuals with appropriate certification for the position in question; however, where that is not reasonably possible, the District will have the flexibility to hire individuals who are knowledgeable in the area and equipped to effectively perform the duties of the position in question. These may include dual credit, Career and Technology, Secondary Math, Secondary Science, certain Fine Arts, and high end academic electives.  In order to obtain quality teachers without having to go through the bureaucracy, the district seeks to establish our own local qualification requirements for teacher certification and requirements as well as the training and ongoing professional development requirements to teach in lieu of the requirements set forth in the law.  This exception may not apply to special education or bilingual/ESL certifications.  



Amendments added June 4, 2024:

Transfer Students
(FDA/FDB Local) (ED CODE 25.036)


Under Texas Education Code TEC 25.036 a district may choose to accept, as transfers, students who are not entitled to enroll in the district. A transfer is interpreted to be for a period of one school year.


Inter-district transfers are considered based on availability of space, instructional staff, programs and services The District is seeking to eliminate the provision of a one-year commitment in accepting inter-district transfer applicants. Nonresident students who have been accepted as inter-district transfers may have such transfer status revoked by the Superintendent for noncompliance with the transfer agreement at any time during the year (i.e., excessive absences or disciplinary concerns). In addition, employee transfers may be revoked upon the employee no longer being employed as stated in the student transfer agreement.

Teacher Contract Days

(DC LEGAL) (ED CODE 21.401)


An educator employed under a ten-month contract must provide a minimum of 187 days of service.


Montgomery ISD will determine the number of contract days that are required to fulfill the contract of our 10-month employees. With the requirement for student attendance changing from days to minutes, the number of teacher days may need to be adjusted to better align with the student days (minutes).

Probationary Contracts

(DCA LEGAL) (ED CODE 21.102(b))


The probationary period may not exceed one year for a person who has been employed as a teacher in public education for at least five of the eight years preceding employment by the District. The term “teacher” includes principal, supervisor, classroom teacher, counselor, or other full-time professional employee who is required to hold a certificate issued by the State Board of Educator Certification.


Montgomery ISD will be exempt from the restrictions related to this code provision. This limited time period is not adequate to appropriately determine the new employee’s effectiveness within the District. As such, teachers who have been employed as a teacher in public education for at least five of the last eight years will receive a probationary contract not to extend beyond two years.

DAEP Placement for E-Cigarettes

(FOC LEGAL) (ED CODE 37.006(a)(2)(C-2))


Current law requires school districts to place students who possess, use, sell, give, or deliver to another person, an e-cigarette, as defined by §161.081, Health and Safety Code in a disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP).


This amendment grants administrators the flexibility to work with students within the confines of state law and the District Code of Conduct. The use of e-cigarettes or vaping that are not controlled substances will receive consequences as outlined in the Code of Conduct. All violations involving controlled substances will receive a DAEP placement as is required by law.

MONTGOMERY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or disability in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, educational programs, employment of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services.

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