The Teaching & Learning Department of Montgomery ISD is committed to selecting and providing quality curriculum resources, professional learning, services, and instructional materials that support student learning. The process for the selection of instructional materials provides an opportunity to make informed decisions in selecting quality, state curriculum aligned instructional materials.
The State Board of Education (SBOE) issued Proclamation 2024 to call for instructional materials in the following subject areas:
- Science, K-12
- Technology Apps, K-8
- CTE, various courses
- Personal Financial Literacy and Economics
The district-adopted materials to support the TEKS of the included courses are scheduled for implementation in the 2024–25 school year.
Throughout this process, the Teaching & Learning Department, in collaboration with Montgomery ISD employees, publishers, and community stakeholders, will accomplish the following goals:
- Preserve the integrity of the adoption process,
- Provide opportunities for feedback and input on proposed selections,
- Select the best instructional materials for students and teachers,
- Follow state and district policy in the instructional materials selection process
- Support the final instructional materials selections with professional learning
opportunities and technical assistance.
- Publishers will attend only textbook presentations that the central administration initiates. Publishers may not initiate or schedule appointments with members of the Board of Trustees, individual teachers, and/or campus or district staff. Neither the publisher nor their representative may visit, contact by email, or conduct presentations on individual campuses. Individual or mass mailings, letters, emails, or telephone communications from publishers are not permitted.
- Publishers may have contact with members of the Department of Teaching and Learning
- Any publisher violating district guidelines regarding the process may be barred or disqualified from participating in the MISD instructional material selection process
For more information on Proclamation 2024, please visit