
SOS Committee

Supporting Our Students Committee


Student success in Montgomery ISD thrives on partnerships between the district, our MISD families and the Montgomery community. Part of our mission is to prepare students for their future by not only focusing on academics, but also their overall well-being. Our students are growing up in a uniquely challenging, fast-paced world, and the district sees an opportunity to partner with parents to assist their children in navigating these challenges in the safest way possible. 

We fully acknowledge that this work starts at the home. The school is a secondary support system to help identify and provide resources to parents/guardians. To foster this partnership, Montgomery ISD will host a series of parent nights in the Spring 2023 semester. The themes for the parent nights will focus on teen substance use, mental health, and growing up in the digital age. How do you as parents, and us as an educational system, know to what degree our kids are being impacted by these topics? During the time period of December 19 through January 13, a student survey will be available for students in grades 7-12 to help determine that answer.  At each parent night, MISD will share the survey results around a particular theme. Together with you, we will learn more about the topic, share ways for you to open up dialogue with your children, and discover and connect with community resources for any additional needs and support.  


Parent Nights


About the Survey

This optional survey will consist of 25 questions pertaining to topics including substance abuse, mental health, relationships, and device/internet use. A committee consisting of parents, counselors, community members and district leaders reviewed sample surveys from multiple sources. Questions were revised, edited, removed and adjusted to ensure that those asked are a reflection of our community values and will provide valuable feedback to guide us in our next steps.   


To preview the questions, please view this link: Student Survey Preview.   


The survey will not be provided to students during the school day.  We ask that parents review the survey and determine if you would like your child to participate. There may be content you need to be prepared to discuss with your child. If you allow them to take the survey, please provide them with a private space so that they may answer the survey honestly.  The parent nights will provide the tools to guide further open dialogue with your child. 


The survey will be available December 19 through January 13 and can be accessed at this link:  Student Survey. 


About the Committee

Stakeholders for this committee were recommended by board members and consist mostly of parents. Other members include counselors, district leaders, community members and teachers. The committee met in person and reviewed the survey questions one by one. Each question was chosen in order to provide valuable information for parents and the district, in order to best support the needs of MISD secondary students.  A series of parent nights will be scheduled that focus on those topics and will share the survey results. The committee will help determine the guest speakers, the content of each presentation and applicable community resources. 

The committee members include:

Amy Busby

Sunni Kalosis

Stephanie Fox Castleshouldt

Joanna Kenney

Gayle Cheatham

Stacy Keszei

Sara Countryman

Jason Kime

Courtney Dyer

Terry Knight

Jessica Grace

Heather Moore 

Aida Hanover

Reaghan O'Rear Mann

Valissa Jones

Laureen Thompson

Dani Jordan

Stephanie Wilson

Janae Kageler

Reagan Wyka

John Kalosis


Community Resources
Can your organization provide additional supports regarding teen substance use, mental health, or growing up in the digital age? If so, we would love to have you at our parent night events! We will have space for each organization to set up a table where parents can visit and learn more about what your organization provides. Please fill out the information at the link below or view this attachment.  Someone from MISD will follow up with you on details for the event.

Contact Information
We look forward to learning from our students and partnering with you to equip them with the appropriate support and resources to help them succeed.  

Should you have any questions about the planned parent nights, student survey or the committee, please contact:

Amy Busby  Assistant Superintendent of Student Services and Innovation  [email protected] 936-276-2244 


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