
Helpful FAQs

Why does Montgomery ISD need a Police Department?
Just like all other Independent School Districts in the Montgomery County area, our security and law enforcement needs have grown to the level that the primary law enforcement agencies surrounding our district could not handle the volume of calls for service adequately without hiring additional personnel. Also, these agencies would be unable to dedicate the personnel necessary to answer calls and deal with the specialized needs of the district. ISD Police Officers routinely assist administrators and staff with questions and provide advice in addition to their general law enforcement duties and responsibilities.

What is the jurisdiction of MISD police?
The Police Officers assigned to the district are Texas peace officers and as such are provided statutory authority to enforce the law throughout the geographical jurisdiction of the school district, NOT JUST on district property, as well as the authority to address offenses committed in their presence throughout the State of Texas.

This includes contacting people outside of school zones for traffic offenses. In addition to this, ISD Police Officers may exercise authority throughout the state of Texas where the district has property or interests. The authority of the ISD Police Department also travels with the students and staff of the district while they are conducting district functions and operations.

What makes our district officers different from the Sheriff's department, the municipal police, or other law enforcement?
Our district Police Officers make up a specialized law enforcement division with advanced training to deal with juveniles, and have received more in-depth knowledge and training in the areas of Juvenile Law, the Family Code, and the Education Code.

Do our officers write real citations, and what happens to the citations they write?
Yes, our officers do indeed write real tickets. Once issued, they usually go to Pct. 1 Justice of the Peace court although they may write citations into any Justice of the Peace Court in Montgomery County. If a ticketed individual fails to contact the court, a warrant for his/her arrest may be issued.

Can our officers arrest adults and/or juveniles?
Yes, our officers have this authority, just like any other peace officer in the state of Texas.

Can our officers take action against a non-student if they are not on school district property?
Yes, the Officers assigned to the district are Texas Peace Officers and have all of the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities of Officers of any other Police Department.

Do Police Officers assigned to Montgomery ISD have any authority at school functions that are not held on district property (i.e. prom, graduation)?
Yes, the Officers assigned to the district are Texas Peace Officers and have all of the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities of any other Police Department. In addition to this, the authority of the ISD Police Department travels with the students and staff of the district while they are conducting district functions and operations.

If other police departments need assistance, can our officers respond?
Yes, just as other law enforcement may respond to our officers' assistance, they may respond to calls for assistance from other police agencies. In fact, the Education code requires that ISD Police Departments enter into mutual aid agreements with overlapping law enforcement jurisdictions. For Montgomery ISD, that includes three of the Montgomery County Constable's Offices, the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, as well as two surrounding cities.

How can I find out how much a citation will cost?
Call the Justice of the Peace court at (936) 539-7801.

Is there a teen curfew?
Within the City of Montgomery, persons age 16 and younger are prohibited from public places without parent or guardian supervision except for going to or coming from work and school events between the following hours:

  • 11:00 P.M. on any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 5 A.M. of the following day; and
  • 12:01 A.M. until 5:00 A.M. on Friday Saturday or Sunday;

Within unincorporated Montgomery County.

  • It shall be unlawful for any person under seventeen (17) years of age to knowingly remain, walk, run, stand, drive, or ride about, in or upon any public place within the unincorporated areas of Montgomery County.
  • It shall be unlawful for the parent or guardian having legal custody of a minor to knowingly allow or permit the minor to be in violation of the curfew imposed.

Can the police ask me to leave a school parking lot because I am riding my skateboard?
The Officers can ask you to leave a school parking lot or any other district property for any reason permissible by law.

Can I lose my driver's license if I get caught with tobacco by the police and I am under 18 or alcohol if I am under 21?
Your license can get suspended by a judge if you do not attend the mandatory tobacco awareness class after being convicted of possession of a tobacco product or if you do not attend an alcohol awareness course after being convicted of possession of an alcoholic beverage. This suspension can last up to 180 days. Driving while license suspended is a “B” misdemeanor.

Can I pass a school bus, unloading children, on a road with a median?
You cannot pass a school bus when unloading or loading children. The only exception is if the roadway is divided, separating the road into two separate roads. The separation may be made by a concrete barrier, or grassy median, not by lines painted on the road.

What is the law on passing an emergency vehicle stopped on the side of the road?
The new law states that when approaching ANY emergency vehicle (Police, Fire, and EMS etc.) you must vacate the lane closest to the emergency vehicle; ie change lanes if you are on a multi-lane roadway. If you only have one lane then you must slow to a speed not more than 20 MPH below the posted speed limit.

How long after my driver's license expires do I have before the police can ticket me for expired license?
You can be ticketed for expired license the day after your license expires.

Is it legal to drive in the median to make a turn into a parking lot?
No, it is against the law to drive in, or across any median or area designated by crossed lines or hash marks to divide two roadways. It is not legal to drive in the median at any time.

Can I cut through a parking lot when traffic is heavy?
No, It is against the law to cut through any parking lot to turn onto one highway from another highway.

How long does my turn signal have to be on to make a turn?
You are required to activate your turn signal at least 100 feet before you make you turn or change lanes.

Can I be arrested for a traffic violation?
Yes, anyone can be arrested for any traffic violation except for speeding and having an open container of alcohol in a vehicle. It is at the officer's discretion on how to handle each situation.

MONTGOMERY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or disability in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, educational programs, employment of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services.

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