2024 Summer Update from Dr. Mark Ruffin

Hello Montgomery ISD Community,
I hope your summer is off to a great start!
Since beginning as MISD Superintendent in January, I have learned so much about the district through our students, parents, employees, and our community. I have enjoyed every interaction and the kind support shown to me, every step of the way.
Over this past year, our kids have shined brightly. They have achieved milestones big and small, and we thank you for partnering with us to prepare, educate and inspire every one of our MISD students.
I am continually impressed by the commitment and dedication of our employees and have loved seeing all the ways our remarkable people pour into our kids. This support was on full display at graduation ceremonies for the Class of 2024, where 752 Bears and Lions turned their tassels, and are excited and ready to write their next chapter.
Over the summer, staff will be busy preparing for the first day of classes for the 2024-25 school year, Thursday, August 15. Here are a few things to make you aware of as we look ahead to the new school year:
In an effort to ensure our stakeholders are informed of the financial challenges faced by Montgomery ISD, I will be sharing out “Financial Facts” that highlight key components of the public education finance system that disproportionately impact MISD as well as important information for our stakeholders and community:
- The per-pupil funding MISD receives is over $4,000 less than the state average.
- “Recapture” is a law that requires district tax collections that exceed the amount that the Texas Education Agency allots to the district. Last year, MISD had to send back over $3 million due to recapture.
- The MISD tax rate was reduced 18 cents last year.
You can view my video recapping our spring budget town hall here:
Texas has not increased the basic allotment (how much state aid generated by each student) since 2019. This has left MISD and districts across the state adopting deficit budgets for the 24-25 school year. Budgets are balanced by reducing expenditures and increasing revenues. MISD has worked diligently on minimizing expenditures and maximizing revenues. The only major revenue that can be generated is by increasing enrollment. Therefore, after significant analysis of the available capacity of campuses and grade levels, MISD will offer Limited Open Enrollment (LOE) for the 2024-25 school year. LOE is a program that allows children who do not live within Montgomery ISD’s boundaries to apply for enrollment in Montgomery schools.
LOE families are responsible for transporting their children to and from school in Montgomery ISD and must provide documentation of the student’s past school attendance and discipline records.
Applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis to fill a very limited number of available spaces. This helps ensure that the number of students approved does not result in the need for additional staff and increased expenditures.
For the 2024-25 school year, MISD will accept LOE applications for:
- Montgomery High School
- Lake Creek High School
- Montgomery Junior High
- Oak Hills Junior High
Capacity is not equally available at each of these secondary campuses or across grade levels. Please see the MISD website for an LOE FAQ and application instructions.
Limited Open Enrollment 2024-2025 - Montgomery ISD (misd.org)
Beginning next fall, Montgomery ISD will align expectations for student cell phone use districtwide. During my first 100 days, the need for consistently applied expectations around cell phones was an issue that was brought up repeatedly by parents, staff, and students. Prior to the 2024-25 school year, consistent cell phone expectations will be in place on all campuses intended to limit distractions from learning, reduce discipline incidents, and improve the overall social environment for our students.
Check out these videos on the challenges presented by our constant connection to our devices:
There are no additional details to share at this time as administration collaborates to develop and refine these expectations. More details will be communicated well in advance of the 2024-25 school year.
Construction crews will be busy at several MISD campuses this summer. Work continues at the LCHS addition and at the new Creekside Elementary to prepare for their opening in August. Lighting and intercom systems are being updated at Lone Star, Madeley Ranch, and Stewart Creek Elementaries. SCE students will also come back in August to a brand-new playground! Major renovations are underway at Montgomery High School which will only add to the pride our students have in being MHS Bears.
Crews are also making great progress on the highly anticipated CTE and Ag-Science Center, which is on track to open for the 2025-26 school year. Renovation and improvements to the MISD athletic stadium will begin at the conclusion of the football season. Please keep in mind that construction will impact access to our buildings as well as traffic in these areas. We are grateful to our construction partners for coordinating efforts at multiple locations and working hard during the summertime when students and staff members are off campus.
I want to reiterate that none of these current and recently completed projects would be possible without the support of our community in passing the 2022 Bond. Thank you for your patience as we work to get these new and improved spaces ready for our MISD kids!
I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to lead this school district and I am filled with hope about what is yet to come. I wish you all a wonderful summer filled with rest, relaxation, and fun. Enjoy your time off and we will see you in August!
Dr. Mark Ruffin
MISD Superintendent